Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Closing Up Shop

This is something I've been thinking about for awhile, a decision that's been hard but that I feel good about.

I'm stepping away from photography...indefinitely.  I would say permanently, but maybe I'll decide in a few years that I'm up for it again.  But for now, I won't be doing photography at all for the foreseeable future. 

I have several reasons...not staying in practice because I have so few clients; not making enough to keep up my equipment to the standard I'd like; etc. But all these would be something I would just deal with and figure out if I still had the passion for photography that I need to do a fabulous job.  I just don't anymore. I haven't been enjoying it for awhile, and have gotten to the point where I'm really just doing it for the money and the finished product.  The process is a complete chore for me now, and my clients deserve more than that.  I know I wouldn't want to hire a photographer if I knew their heart wasn't in it, so I don't want to do that to anybody else.

A huge thanks to all my clients, especially those loyal repeat clients who suffered through my inconsistent availability during my weird pregnancies and all that drama.  I loved meeting and working with all of you, but it's time for me to hang up my camera for awhile and just be a mom!

Here’s a list of photographers in the valley I’ve found whose work I like.  I tried not to make the list too long, but to include a variety in pricing and style.  None of them are extremely different from my style, but all are a little different, so make sure you really look through their websites before you choose one! 

Anna Hollister Photography
A little more expensive than me, but her photos are beautiful!

Darby Elizabeth Photography
This is the closest to my price and style that I found.

Sarah Grace Photography
Fun, colorful images. I don’t think she offers a CD; you order prints directly from her, so it’s more expensive than me.

Bri Holloway Photography
This one is more pricey, but worth it if you can afford her GORGEOUS photos!

Jennifer Bowen Photography
She’s more expensive, but super cute, so probably worth it.

Jenna Bishop Photography
Her style is similar to mine. She offers digital images, but for a bit more.
Please note I’ve never met any of these photographers, so I can’t attest to their personality or shooting style.   Good luck!

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