Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sneak Peak...M+J

I'm back from my maternity leave! ...and my first photo shoot was an old friend from school days! I was so excited to do these, in Flagstaff, in the FREEZING cold! I got to wear my hat and gloves, but these two totally braved the FIFTEEN degree weather! And it was worth it, I'd say...they turned out great. (Also I was relieved to see that I do actually remember how to use a camera after about five months off!!

I can't wait for the wedding!

P.S. I just realized I forgot to watermark these with my logo. Nobody steal them! I don't want to go back and do it!! :)

My Pretty Girl

Here's the beautiful reason I've been off duty for a few months...
Annie Kay was born November 2 and is just perfect!
I'm lucky to have a sister-in-law/best friend who came to help me out through the end of my pregnancy, labor, and post partum experience...who just happens to be a photographer.




Miss Annie is already 2 months are a couple I took more recently!

As for my availability now...I'm having a hard time imagining ever getting back to as much work as I was doing before Annie. I have a 16-month old and a 2-month old at home now, and not much gets done around my house. It's one thing to go and do a photo shoot; quite another to actually get them edited and posted. I have a very limited amount of non-baby-time, and lots of that time is already spoken for!
So I'll be getting back to this veeeeerrry gradually. I did raise my prices recently, and quite honestly that's partially to make it more worthwhile to me, and partially to cut down on jobs. I'm sad to see any of my clients have to go to someone else, but my family has to come first.
I look forward to seeing some of you in the coming months for shoots!