Friday, September 2, 2011

Fall Photos

I'll be doing two mini session days this fall, tentatively scheduled for the mornings of October 22 and  November 19.  I'm open to location suggestions.  Mini sessions will be $175 for 30 minutes of shooting and 15-20 images on a CD.

 I'll also be available for full sessions (regular pricing applies, see website) a few Saturday mornings in October and November, some Thursday mornings, and possibly a few Wednesday evenings.  I don't want to overschedule because these three don't like me spending all day editing.

Now that (most of) my sanity has returned, I'm excited to jump back into photography and see some of my old clients...especially the ones I had to cancel on last fall when I went on bed rest!  I was looking through my website this morning and got so excited about creating more beautiful images soon!