I recently joined an organization called Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep. It's a non-profit organization offering free infant bereavement photography for families who have stillborn babies. A volunteer photographer goes to the hospital to take professional photos of the baby. Reading the testimonials is so touching, and I feel that it is one of the few truly helpful things that can be done at a time like that. Please keep it in mind so that if you ever know someone experiencing this type of loss, you will know of something to offer or suggest.
I've been thinking about signing up for this for such a LONG time! Like, since I saw the brochure at work...before Jen even signed up. I should go and do it. I think I will. :)
Jana, I am so excited that you are doing this. It just really touched me & hit close to home. I am positive that parents will be SO grateful to you for it. It really makes me happy that there is something like this out there!
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